We are Literal Med Proudly Serving Our Veterans
At Literal Med you will find the help that you need with your VA disability benefits claim. Navigating the VA claims process can be exhausting. The process is confusing and time-consuming. At Literal Med we know about it. Boost your claim with our Nexus letter for Veterans.
How We Help Our Veterans
Through our Case Consultation, we review the information you provide us to determine if we can proceed to a Records Review. During our Records Review process, we pay attention to everything from if you served overseas, to what exactly your date of separation was, and your physical exam reports when you entered service and at separation. We also look at your duty stations, Military Occupational Specialty Codes (MOS), and exposure to toxic environments, among other things. If we find a condition that has been overlooked by the VA, we will point it out to you, too.
Finally, with all the information that we gather from the Records Review, we will prepare you a Nexus Letter. Our Medical Doctor will provide you a letter (medical nexus opinion) with the clarification that the VA needs regarding the link between your military service and your current diagnosis.

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Medical Doctor

Meet our Medical Doctor.
Don't forget to visit our section of Resources where you can find useful tools to help you understand how the VA system works and how to prepare effective claims.